Build a Full Stack News Portal application including Frontend and Backend with Next.js, React.js, Express.js and MongoDB.
What you will learn:
- ✓ Build a Full Stack News Portal application.
- ✓ Next js Basic Portfolio Website with Admin Panel.
- ✓ Next js Fundamental.
- ✓ React js Fundamental.
- ✓ Express js Fundamental.
- ✓ Functional Component.
- ✓ MongoDB Fundamental.
- ✓ Design the overall application with Tailwind CSS from scratch.
- ✓ Use Middleware for Protected Routes.
- ✓ Two different Dashboards as Admin and Writer with Role.
- ✓ Fully Responsive application for all devices.
- ✓ User Logout option.
- ✓ Learn how to implement Authentication and Authorization.
- ✓ Set up the function to upload photos to Cloudinary.
- ✓ Nested Route Manage.
- ✓ Admin và Writer Profile Setup.
- ✓ Change Password Setup.
- ✓ Modal News Image Function.
- ✓ News Filter Option Setup.
- ✓ News Custom Pagination Setup.
- ✓ News Search Option Setup.
- ✓ Get the latest, recent and popular news.
- ✓ Category Related News Shows.
- ✓ Create News API.
- ✓ Image Gallery Option.
- ✓ Deploy Next js Project lên Web Server.
Next.js & React - Build a Full-Stack News Portal application.
Are you ready to master Next.js and React.js to build full-stack web applications from scratch? Look no further! In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to create a fully functional News Portal Application using the power of Next.js, React.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
Why should you learn Next.js and React.js?
Next.js is the right framework for building high-performance React applications. With server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) capabilities, you'll be able to create super-fast and SEO-friendly web applications. Combined with React.js, the most popular frontend library, you will be able to build modern, interactive, and scalable user interfaces.
What you will build:
This course teaches you how to create a full-stack news portal that includes:
- ✓ User Authentication:Learn how to implement secure user sign-up, login, and session management.
- ✓ News Posting & Editing:Build a dynamic news management system where authenticated users can post and edit news articles in real time.
- ✓ Categories & Tags:Organize posts by categories and tags for navigation and a better user experience.
- ✓ Responsive Design:Make sure your app is fully responsive and works on any device with Tailwind CSS.
- ✓ Search & Filter:Implement advanced search and filtering functionality to help users easily find the news they are interested in.
- ✓ Admin Dashboard:Create an intuitive admin dashboard to manage users, posts, and comments effectively.
What you will learn:
1. Next.js Essentials:
- ✓ Server-Side Rendering (SSR) & Static Site Generation (SSG).
- ✓ Dynamic routing & API routes.
- ✓ Optimize performance with built-in Next.js features.
2. Advanced concepts of React.js:
- ✓ State Management với Context API & Redux.
- ✓ Build reusable components.
- ✓ Manage side effects with React Hooks.
3. Backend Development với Express.js & MongoDB:
- ✓ RESTful API development với Express.js.
- ✓ Connect your app to MongoDB to store news articles, user data, etc.
- ✓ Implement JWT Authentication for secure user management.
Who is this course for?
- ✓ Frontend Developerswant to improve my skills by learning backend development with Next.js and MongoDB.
- ✓ Các Full-Stack Developerwant to build high-performance full-stack applications using modern technologies.
- ✓ Anyone interested in Web Development:Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will guide you step-by-step through the entire process of building a complex web application.
Performance and SEO optimization:
Not only will you build a stunning news portal, but you'll also learn how to optimize your app for SEO. We will delve into techniques such as:
- ✓ Meta Tags Management for better search engine ranking.
- ✓ Optimize images and content to load faster.
- ✓ Improved Lighthouse scores for better user experience and discoverability.
By the end of this course, you'll have a deep understanding of Next.js, React.js, and full-stack development, along with the confidence to build and deploy your own high-performance web applications.
Sign up today and start building the future of web development with Next.js and React.js!
- ✓ 01 - Introduction.
- ✓ 02 - React Fundamentals React Structure, JSX component & Rendering.
- ✓ 03 - JSX and Conventions.
- ✓ 04 - Manage React Component.
- ✓ 05 - React Routing.
- ✓ 06 - React Hook & State Management.
- ✓ 07 - Express JS Fundamental.
- ✓ 08 - MongoDB Fundamental - Một NoSQL Database.
- ✓ 09 - Next JS Foundation.
- ✓ 10 - Advanced configuration and optimization of Next.js.
- ✓ 11 - Next.js Middleware và 404 Page.
- ✓ 12 - Next.js Basic Portfolio Website with Admin Panel.
- ✓ 13 - Start building Next JS Complete and News Portal Site.
- ✓ 14 - News Portal Project Setup.
- ✓ 15 - Admin Panel Design.
- ✓ 16 - Nested Route Manage.
- ✓ 17 - News Page Design.
- ✓ 18 - Admin Dashboard Design.
- ✓ 19 - Admin Add Writer Design.
- ✓ 20 - Admin Writer Page Design.
- ✓ 21 - User Profile Page Design.
- ✓ 22 - Writer Add News Page Setup.
- ✓ 23 - Login Page Design và DB Connect.
- ✓ 24 - User Login Backend.
- ✓ 25 - Dashboard Logout Function.
- ✓ 26 - Writer Add Setup.
- ✓ 27 - Writer Edit Update & Delete.
- ✓ 28 - News Add Function.
- ✓ 29 - Modal News Image Function.
- ✓ 30 - Get News Data from Database.
- ✓ 31 - Edit and Update News Option.
- ✓ 32 - News Delete với Image Option.
- ✓ 33 - Add Demo Data.
- ✓ 34 - Search and News Pagination.
- ✓ 35 - Show News Filter Option.
- ✓ 36 - News Status Update Function.
- ✓ 37 - Tạo Next Js Project cho Frontend.
- ✓ 38 - App Create & Design Header.
- ✓ 39 - Frontend Headline Design.
- ✓ 40 - Latest News Design.
- ✓ 41 - Popular News Design.
- ✓ 42 - News & Footer Design.
- ✓ 43 - Category News Page Design.
- ✓ 44 - News Details Page Design.
- ✓ 45 - News API Create.
- ✓ 46 - News Data Show Option.
- ✓ 47 - News Headlines Category.
- ✓ 48 - News Details Page Show.
- ✓ 49 - News Category List Show.
- ✓ 50 - Latest & Popular News.
- ✓ 51 - Recent News Show.
- ✓ 52 - Image Gallery Option.
- ✓ 53 - Show Search Option API.
- ✓ 54 - User Profile Update Option.
- ✓ 55 - User Change Password Functions.
- ✓ 56 - Update Dashboard.
Who is this course for:
- ✓ Frontend Developers who want to improve their skills by learning backend development with Next js and MongoDB.
- ✓ Full-Stack Developers want to build high-performance full-stack applications using modern technologies.
- ✓ Freelancers want to expand their services.
- ✓ Technology enthusiasts eager to explore modern web development trends.
- ✓ Anyone interested in Web Development.